Effortless Lead Generation: How to Use LinkedIn Automation to Grow Your Email List (While You Sleep!) Click By Click Steps

Cristian Ionesi
January 15, 2025

An email list is one of the most valuable assets an online business can have.

As Alex Hormozi said "If you're not making at least 30% of your revenue from email, you're missing out".

Imagine waking up every morning to a list of highly qualified email leads for your Skool community, all gathered effortlessly while you were catching some Zzz’s 😴.

Sounds pretty cool, right?

LinkedIn isn’t just for job hunting or networking anymore.

In this post, I’ll share how you can use simple tools to automate email extraction on LinkedIn.

No gimmicks, no lead magnets — just smart, thoughtful automation.

I’ll walk you through:

  1. Set Up Your LinkedIn & LinkedHelper Account
  2. Create an Email Collection Campaign
  3. Add LinkedIn Accounts to the Campaign
  4. Start The Campaign And Send Email Addresses to Your CRM

Let’s dive into this simple, no-sweat way to grow your email list and leads! 😊

Step 1: Set Up Your LinkedIn & LinkedHelper Account

1. Create a LinkedIn Account

  • Create a LinkedIn account if you don’t already have one.
  • Optimize your profile by adding a professional photo, work experience, a clear description of your expertise, share some posts. This ensures LinkedIn doesn’t flag your account as inactive or spammy.

2. Download and Setup LinkedHelper

LinkedHelper is the most technically advanced platform for LinkedIn automation and we'll be using it in order to collect qualified emails.

Steps to set it up:

Download LinkedHelper from its official website, selecting the version compatible with your operating system.

Install and launch the software. You'll need to purchase a license, choose the plan that best fits your needs:

Or use their referral program to win free months of membership.

For every new member you refer, when they purchase a LinkedHelper license, you gain 1 Free month of access to the software:

Next you need to connect your LinkedIn account to LinkedHelper in order to be able to collect emails from LinkedIn, this is quite straightforward:

  • Click "Add Account."
  • Enter your LinkedIn email and password.
  • Link your account to LinkedHelper by clicking "Add".

Step 2: Create an Email Collection Campaign

Under "LinkedIn Accounts", where your LinkedIn account has been linked click on the play button ▶ to start the server.

It will take a bit for the instance to start but be patient.

Navigate to the "Campaigns" tab in LinkedHelper and click on "Create Campaign".

Scroll and find the "Find Profile Emails" template, select it, and click on "Continue with selected template".

Now let's configure your newly created campaign.

Toggle ON "Get email from LH Email Finder".

This will enable us to find the emails of the accounts we target

Additionally you can toggle ON "Get email from Snov.io" for enhanced email searching.

If you enable this feature you have a higher chance of finding the user email from the company portal, however Snov.io requires API credentials and an account to integrate, for this tutorial we'll keep it simple with only the first checkbox toggled.

Congrats, you've created your first email collecting campaign! 🥳

It should look something like this:

Let's do the next steps in order to actually have a useful campaign in which we can actually collect leads.

Step 3: Add LinkedIn Accounts to the Campaign

‼ This is the most important step, the quality of your email leads will depend on how well you filter the LinkedIn accounts from which to collect the emails so take your time.

  • In the campaign view, go to the "Queue" tab and click on "+Add".

After clicking on "+Add" you will see a bunch of options to add LinkedIn accounts to your queue to be processed.

But don't be scared, is quite simple.

These are basically LinkedIn pages from which you can collect profiles.

You can also use directly a LinkedIn page url.

Wherever there are profiles on a LinkedIn page like: event pages, groups, your own connections, a company page etc. you can extract the email from those profiles.

💡 It really comes up to how creative you can get in finding the places where your niche avatar hang out, the better you get at this, the more qualified your leads will be.

So let's say that maybe your most qualified leads hang in particular events you would go ahead and choose "My event page" and you would go to that event and collect the emails from those people.

For now we'll choose "Search page" and search for some groups related to our Skool niche.

Wait a bit and the LinkedIn search page should load.

Let's say that we have a Skool community for training dogs.

We'll need to search for people interested in this sort of thing otherwise we'll be wasting our emails because uninterested people will never join our community.

💡 A good way of searching people interested in our niche is to find groups or event pages related to your niche.

In the dropdown where now it writes "People", select it, and choose "Groups".

On the Search page search for "dogs" and explore the groups related to dogs.

I found one called "Dog's Best Friend" with 13K members, seems perfect.

However the group is private so I need to be part of it, if the group is private you can request to join the group, and then you can collect the accounts.

💡 You can also use public groups but private groups are more powerful when it comes to finding qualified leads because they went the extra step to actually join the private group.

Choose a group and go to the members section by clicking "Show All".

Then from the left panel go on the "Collect" tab, expand and click on "Start Collecting",

This will start collecting the profiles from that group and prepare them to find their email addresses.

It will take a while to collect all the profiles so let it run and come back when it finished.

After the collecting has finished, go to your campaign and you should see a bunch of profiles queued for processing.

Step 4: Start The Campaign And Send Email Addresses to Your CRM

You are now ready to start collecting emails.

You can go ahead and click on "Start Campaign" and email collecting starts.

Now the email addresses and other information about the leads will be collected and saved in LinkedHelper.

Go to "Successfully processed profiles".

From here you can export them as CSV and start using them.

However, a more useful and automated way is to send these addresses to an external CRM.

CRM stands for "Customer Relationship Management", is basically a software which allows you to store data of your leads and customers, mail them and bunch of other stuff.

I'll let ChatGPT explain:

In your campaign add an action to send collected emails to your CRM by clicking on the plus sign + "Add Action."

Scroll down and select the action "Send Person to External CRM" and click on "Add".

Choose a CRM from the supported list if you're already using one and click on "Next".

If you are not using one right now I recommend HighLevel because it gives the most bang for my buck, you can Start Your 14 Day Free Trial.

Follow the instructions to connect your CRM account to LinkedHelper.

Once connected, emails collected by LinkedHelper will automatically sync with your CRM and send the emails in there.

And that's it, you set it once, and is an asset you'll have forever and it runs automatically.

💡 If you have any queries or you're blocked at any step you can get support in my community Skool Architects, Join Here For Free


That's it, you set it up once and it runs forever, the more profiles you add in the queue the longer the campaign will run without you doing a thing.

LinkedHelper is a very powerful tool for automating LinkedIn interactions and growing your Skool Community without an audience.

Really, email finding is just the tip of the iceberg, you can automatically DM, send inMails, connect requests and so much more, all automated.

💡 For more FREE click by click systems on how to grow your Skool Community join Skool Architects where I share with you tips from paid communities for FREE.
Sam Ovens Profile Pic
Sam Ovens
January 2, 2025

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To build a successful community, you don't need 1,000 fans.

You need 10 true regulars.

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This may contradict what most people imagine about communities — spaces with hundreds or thousands of people actively contributing and forming relationships where everyone is engaged and involved.

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